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My very own Debbie McGee

Commoners' Comedy Club began in November 2014. I'd been gigging about a year and a half, was getting sick of travelling so far to get stage time and realised there weren't any grass roots nights in Cambridge.

I jumped straight into it, taking pointers off comments and posts in the comedy forums on facebook. Reading comedians' blogs and talking about it to the few comedians I knew well enough to chat to.

The reality of it is that I've spent an absolute SHIT LOAD of my time thinking, planning, reviewing, promoting, admining and networking for this club. Acts and audience members frequently comment at what a good quality slick and friendly club it is and that I should be very proud of how it has become. I have organised and MC'd 21 proper Commoners' Comedy Club nights and we have a strong following of regular audience members who I now know quite well and they probably know me better. What they probably don't realise is HOW MUCH time is put into it behind the scenes.

I've learned so much in the 2 and a bit years it's been going. We moved venue in September 2016 which has been a great improvement due to location, less noise pollution and being able to up the ticket price has helped to secure some tip top line ups in coming months.

Every month I take to the stage, demand the audience attention and feel the glory and adrenaline of hosting such a fun event and every month my wife Jo works the door, taking people's money, checking off tickets, hushing hecklers, carrying equipment up the stairs, fetching drinks for the acts, storing equipment at her work, printing stuff off for me, giving comedian's lifts and tolerating an incessant public piss ripping from me.

She has absorbed my stress and distress on bad nights, nagged me when I've ended up paying acts from our shared bank account when the numbers were low and given me sound advice when problems have arisen.

I should probably call her my Michelle Obama but I already referred to myself as looking like Beyonce once this week and she's way more wrinkly so wifey... you make the best Debbie McGee ever. THANKS!!

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