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Multi-tasking like a master

Been getting ever so stressed. I always realise I'm feeling overwhelmed when I write lists over and over again about 3 times a day.

These are my current projects:

1. Raise and protect child. Currently feeding from my boobs and food that we make and blend up.

2. Be a housewife (this is the one I'm shittest at).

3. Promote and compere Commoners' Comedy Club - this one causes me stress because I have invested so much into it and it's become a monthly social club for me and Jo.

4. Daily writing and attempting to generate more material for my own stand up.

5. Setting up a free fringe festival here in Cambridge:

6. Applying for and performing at gigs as close to home as possible.

7. Keeping in touch with my day job and having a good old think about where I will return to when the year's up.

Event organising has been worthwhile in learning more about the comedy industry and my own performance but it has stressed me out proper. I'm pleased at how organised I've become since having my daughter because I have so little free time now, I have to really focus when I get chance to work on anything other than Momming.

Since being on maternity leave, my material is developing at a much quicker rate (prob why I'm such a shit housewife). I'm writing more and getting to try out lots of new stuff whilst MC-ing but I haven't been recording when I try new bits and I forget how they went down and as a result seem to throw away good adlibs and neglect re-trying bits.

My aim over the next few months is to work on my MC showreel to upload to this website.

I've finally got an up to date 10 min vid clip to send to promoters but I don't want to upload this to my site as it will make the material redundant but MC improvised bits will do nicely!

I'm also building my confidence and skills as an MC and really enjoying it!

Anyway, must get off and tidy up my admin folders on the laptop.

Will try and write an interesting post soon!


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